Scoop Analytics: Recognized as One of RevGenius's Next 50 GTM Startups

Janet Gehrmann
Scoop Analytics: Recognized as One of RevGenius's Next 50 GTM Startups

We are super excited to share that Scoop Analytics has been named one of the Next 50 GTM Startups by RevGenius! This shoutout highlights our fresh take on analytics and our dedication to shaking up go-to-market (GTM) functions.

How We Made the List

Jared Robins and the awesome team at RevGenius put together this list after chatting with hundreds of founders and checking out countless startups. They quickly saw what makes Scoop Analytics special. Our game-changing way of ingesting, blending, and presenting data was a clear standout.

Scoop Made RevGenius's Next 50 GTM Startups

Why Scoop Analytics Rocks

1. Easy Data Ingestion

Forget complex APIs! Scoop lets you pull data from various reports effortlessly. Now, anyone can handle data like a pro without needing a tech team.

2. Seamless Data Blending

Mix and match data from different sources with ease. Whether it’s sales data from Salesforce, marketing insights from HubSpot, or financials from NetSuite, Scoop makes it all work together smoothly.

3. Dynamic Presentations

Say goodbye to boring, static slide decks. With Scoop, you can create lively, up-to-date presentations right in the platform. Your data stays fresh and your presentations stay on point.

Join the Fun

We’re pumped to be recognized by RevGenius and can’t wait to keep innovating. If you’re curious about how Scoop can revolutionize your data world, check out our platform and see the magic for yourself.

For more details and to see the full list of GTM Startups, please click here and follow RevGenius!

Scoop Analytics: Recognized as One of RevGenius's Next 50 GTM Startups

Janet Gehrmann

Janet is a seasoned revenue and operations professional with over a decade of experience. She quickly ascended to a top-performing Sales Director role at Birst before obtaining her MBA from Yale School of Management. Janet has led software diligences for PE firms buying software companies, and served on a product strategy team for JP Morgan Chase.